We are preparing for our 4th Annual Health Fair for the community of Avondale. If you are interested in participating as a vendor, volunteer, or sponsor, please click on the respective link to sign up.

Health Ministry Updates

Most Recent Sermon

D.L.T. (Doing Life Together)


God did not create us to do the Christian life alone. He made us to grow to become like Christ in community. Left to ourselves, we continue to struggle with the same issues and challenges that frequently defeat us. Connecting with others to experience transformation provides a hand-up when we might fail on our own. PBC urges people to participate in a small group where they can experience the support, healing, and guidance of others journeying with them toward transformation.


Sunday (Men's and Women's): 9am at PBC

Tuesday: 4:30 pm, Zoom call, posted in events

Wednesday: Noon, call in # (605)313-5384; code 387884

Prayer call: Wednesday, 6 pm, call in # (605)313-5384; code 387884

Wednesday: 7pm at PBC

Thursday: 7pm at Bob Evans on Winton Rd.

Women of Peace: 10 am, 2nd Saturday, Zoom call, posted in events

Married: 6:30 pm, 3rd Saturday, location varies

Singles: 7 pm, 2nd Saturday, location varies

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